How to clear Python shell?

Sometimes working with the Python shell, we got haphazard output or wrote unnecessary statements, and we want to clear the screen for some other reason.

The “cls” and “clear” commands are used to clear a terminal (terminal window). If, you are using the shell within IDLE, which won’t be affected by such things. Unfortunately, there is no way to clear the screen in IDLE. The best you could do is to scroll the screen down lots of lines.

For example -

print("/n" * 100)
Though you could put this in a function:

def cls():  
         print("/n" * 100)  

And then call it when needed as cls() function. It will clear the console; all previous command will be vanished and screen start from the beginning.

If you are using a Linux, then -

Import os  
# Type  

If you’re using Windows-

Import os  

We can also do it using the Python script. Consider the following example.

Example -

# import os module   
from os import system, name   
# sleep module to display output for some time period   
from time import sleep   
# define the clear function   
def clear():   
    # for windows   
    if name == 'nt':   
        _ = system('cls')   
    # for mac and linux(here, is 'posix')   
        _ = system('clear')   
# print out some text   
# sleep time 2 seconds after printing output   
# now call function we defined above   