When a series of values are stored in a single variable, then it is known as an array variable.
Assigning Values to an Array:
The values are assigned to the array by specifying an array index value against each one of the values to be assigned. It can be a string.
Add a button and add the following function.
Private Sub Constant_demo_Click()
Dim arr(5)
arr(0) = "1" 'Number as String
arr(1) = "VBScript" 'String
arr(2) = 100 'Number
arr(3) = 2.45 'Decimal Number
arr(4) = #10/07/2013# 'Date
arr(5) = #12.45 PM# 'Time
msgbox("Value stored in Array index 0 : " & arr(0))
msgbox("Value stored in Array index 1 : " & arr(1))
msgbox("Value stored in Array index 2 : " & arr(2))
msgbox("Value stored in Array index 3 : " & arr(3))
msgbox("Value stored in Array index 4 : " & arr(4))
msgbox("Value stored in Array index 5 : " & arr(5))
End Sub
When you execute the above function, it produces the following output.
Value stored in Array index 0 : 1
Value stored in Array index 1 : VBScript
Value stored in Array index 2 : 100
Value stored in Array index 3 : 2.45
Value stored in Array index 4 : 7/10/2013
Value stored in Array index 5 : 12:45:00 PM