The questions “Why finance?” or "Why do you want to work in the finance industry?” are difficult to answer because of their generic nature.
Here are a few base answers that are frequently given:
- Enjoying working with numbers
- A willingness to learn and evolve
- Wanting to work alongside like-minded people
- Thriving in high pressure environments
What Does the Interviewer Want to Hear?
Here are a few points the interviewer will want you to evidence in your answer:
- That you understand the financial industry
- That you know why you want to work in finance
- That you know what to expect working in finance
1. You Understand the Financial Industry
The finance industry is a vital, fast-paced and continually evolving area. Its ethos is focused on financial data and economics.
It is a varied industry that involves many technical and soft skills.
Whoever is interviewing you will want to see your understanding of the range and impact finance has on the world and that you fully comprehend the importance of the job.
2. You Know Why You Want to Work in Finance
This might seem like an obvious enough question; however, understanding why you want to work in this industry is crucial.
Could it be the quality of people? The challenges? Your love of math? Or could it be the financial rewards?
If it is the latter, you should not mention this when initially asked this question – we will touch upon why later in the article.
Try to answer this question honestly to yourself first and perhaps take notes of the main reasons why this industry appeals to you in a bullet point list.
As soon as you start writing down your list, you could discover a reason you might not have realized before. This could potentially set you apart from other candidates. Candour is always appreciated at interviews.
3. You Know What to Expect When Working in Finance
If you are a recent graduate with limited work experience, you might not possess experience working in the finance industry as a full-time employee.
Therefore, hiring managers want to ensure you comprehend the realities of working in the finance arena and in the role you are applying for, and have the correct skills and qualifications that will ensure you are successful.
Sometimes, you will be expected to work long hours as you will be handling significant amounts of data; therefore, displaying that you are aware of the hard work that goes into this industry and have the attention to detail necessary is appealing to an interviewer.