How to Amplify Your Message With “Reach”?

While volume measures how many people are talking about you, reach measures how many people have seen the content you distribute.

Reach, therefore, is a great indicator of your potential audience size. It measures how far your content and message spreads across social media. For example, on Facebook, “total reach” is an indicator of the number of people who have seen your post.

Reach is calculated when your content appears on somebody’s news feed.

This metric comes in three different flavors:

  1. Organic Reach: The number of people who saw your post/tweet in their feed. A metric that is becoming harder to maintain, as various social algorithms give more value to posts shared by friends, family, and followers.
  2. Viral Reach: As touched upon above, this indicates how many people have seen your content as a result of social sharing.
  3. Paid Reach: The number of people who saw your content through a promoted social post.
    Paying for promoted posts has become a popular amplification method due to the challenges of organic reach:

Of course, the budget can be an issue.

You must ensure you get the best results from each advertising dollar. Therefore, it’s best to test content organically before promoting it further using paid social advertising platforms.

Let’s say you share ten blog posts to your Facebook and Twitter followers. Of them, two generate the best click-through rate, plus a spike in social shares. As those pieces of content resonate best with your audience, you can confidently promote them through promoted social posts.

You then want to ensure you’re spreading this content to the right people. Targeting is key, and you want to get content in the hands of people who are just like those who have already expressed interest in it.
I hope you find this information helpful…see you on the next topic