How long should my subject line be? Will my email open rate get affected if I use numbers or special characters in the subject line?

How long should my subject line be? Will my email open rate get affected if I use numbers or special characters in the subject line?

  • A typical inbox reveals about 60 characters of an email’s subject line. For several years, the common rule of thumb has been to make sure your email subject line is 50 characters or fewer. However, mobile phones usually show just 25 to 30 characters of an email subject line.

  • Some general good email subject line best practices to keep in mind when crafting those lures. Keep it under 50 characters. It’s generally best practice to keeps subject lines to fewer than 50 characters. Subject lines with less than 50 characters have higher open rates and click-through-rates than those with 50+.

  • Email formatting with special characters really increasing the open rate.

  • It’s better to add some characters to the beginning of the subject line.

  • A symbol at the end of a long subject line will not significantly affect the result of subject test - email client may cut it.

  • Symbols in the subject line are not adding spam points, so you can (and need) to use it sometimes.