How is the interview experience for the campus round of TCS?

• The interview round of TCS is not too difficult if the candidate is well prepared about themselves, the company, and what is happening in their surroundings.
• For the aptitude test, the candidate should be well prepared with the basics of quants and should have practiced them enough to be well on time on the day of the test. The candidate should maintain a balance between the accuracy and the number of attempts.
• For the technical interview round, the candidate should be prepared with the basic concepts of their educational background and the latest news related to their educational background.
• In the managerial round of the interview, the interviewer seeks to test the decision-making ability, discipline, and leadership skills of the candidate.
• In the HR round, the HR attempts at knowing the candidate in and out through some commonly asked questions about them. They want to test the honesty and credibility of the candidate.