How is the DILR section of IIFT?

There will be roughly 30 questions in the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Section (DILR) of the IIFT test 2022. The DILR portion receives 90 points, which is the second-highest total after the VARC section, which receives 105 points. As a result, aspirants must prepare well for DILR in order to achieve a decent total score in the IIFT exam.

The Data Interpretation component of the IIFT exam is typically more difficult since it includes more calculation-intensive assignments, whereas the Logical Reasoning section is typically easier. To pass this section, you should practice questions on pie charts, bar graphs, data tables, line charts & combinations, arrangements, family trees, and complex data circumstances.

The DILR segment of the IIFT 2021 test contained a total of 30 questions with a moderate difficulty level. There were 16 questions in the DI portion and 14 in the LR section.
