How does Big Data work?

Hello Enthusiasts!

Ever wondered how does this whole process works?

Will dive into it today, and see how does it all goes on!

At its core, big data is what it sounds like. Thanks to advances in technology, we can collect and understand massive and complex data sets that stream in at an incredible rate. Since these large data sets can come from a wide range of sources at a volume that humans can’t comprehend, we rely on advanced data processing software to make that data usable.

Sites like Internet Live Stats make it easier to visualize big data and the speed at which an insane amount of information flows through the internet. For instance, ILS estimates that 100.5TB of internet traffic, 85,836 Google searches and 9,139 tweets are sent in a single second.

Big data comes from more sources than just the internet, though. Your car’s onboard computer collects thousands of data points about your driving habits that the manufacturer can use to determine future changes to their cars, while insurance providers can use that same data to adjust your rates.

“Modern big data tools allow us to quickly analyze the outcomes of the past and the state of the present to decide what action would be the most effective in a particular situation,” said Ivan Kot, senior manager at Itransition.

Through the use of such a tool, Kot said, the kind of data that flows through an external source (like the internet) or an internal source (like in-house call centers and website logs) can help small businesses predict outcomes, prevent fraud and drive innovation.

It may help to understand big data in terms of commercial fishing. If you’re trying to run a business by being the only fisherman standing on the side of a stream, you’re not going to yield a lot of fish. However, if you have a fleet of boats, each with large traps and wide nets, you will get plenty of fish of various species. Big data software is like that fleet of boats, and the fish are all the different types of data that we generate every day.

Once collected, the data is analyzed by the businesses utilizing big data techniques. This analysis allows a data scientist to understand a multitude of ways a company can be more efficient and increase profits. Big data works for more than just consumer needs – the medical field also utilizes such data to better predict the spread of disease.
