How do you run a campaign from start to finish?

This is where the fun begins. To set up your first campaign, go to “Business Manager” > select the correct account from “Ad Accounts” > go to “Ads Manager.”
Ads Manager is the place you’ll go to create, implement, edit, and analyze the performance of your paid ads. All of your campaigns will appear under the “Campaigns” tab once they have been created, regardless if they are active or not.
To create your campaign, click “create ad” from Ads Manager. You’ll be prompted to choose from a variety of options, including objective, audience, ad placements, budget, schedule, ad format, media, and creative.
Once you’ve made all of the decisions on the ad campaign logistics and you’ve uploaded your media and ad creative, Facebook will give you a campaign overview to approve and send your campaign for review. The Facebook team reviews every paid ad campaign to make sure your ad copy and creative meets the Advertising Policies This happens very quickly and you’ll be notified when your ad is approved and set live or if something needs to be fixed before Facebook sets your campaign live.
You can see the results of your campaign after it’s gone live in Ads Manager. Locate your campaign name on the dashboard of Ads Manager and click “View Charts” under the campaign name.

This will pull up all of the data Facebook collected from users engaging with your ad and the information received from your tracking pixel in organized, interactive, easy to use charts and graphs. We won’t get into how to analyze reporting data in this article, but the Facebook Help Center has a very insightful resource on how to use Facebook reporting tools
That’s it! From start to finish, the entire process of running a campaign can be completed in Ads Manager. Keep reading to find out more about each step of the campaign-building process in Ads Manager.