How do you react when you are dissatisfied with the quality of your work, or the outcome of your work?

The interviewer would like to know how you respond to failure in the workplace. There will always be a time when you are not happy with your work environment, but your reaction is what will determine whether or not you recover from the disappointment. Show that you have the maturity to be able to respond to dissatisfaction productively.

Since this question is framed as, ‘How do you…’ it is acceptable to use a hypothetical story example, giving a general overview of how you would react in this situation.

However, if you want to use a real-life example, try forming a response using the STAR method. STAR is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, Result. Organizing your response using this framework will ensure that you provide the interviewer with the right amount of information and detail to form a compelling answer.

“I am rarely dissatisfied with my work because I keep very high standards for myself, and what I deliver. With that said, should I be dissatisfied with the quality of my work, I would own up to it and try again until I was proud of the work I delivered.”