Below are some of the skillsets she probes for in an incipient PM for Angeli Jain (product lead for trust and safety at Airbnb), as well as some of the interview questions she might ask:
• Structured cerebrating
• Vision
• Execution & Accountability
• Leadership & Collaboration
The following is a more in-depth optically canvass each category:
- candidates should be innovative, celebrate long-term, have aspirations, and be great communicators.
- She verbally expresses that having lofty goals - or “Northstars,” as she calls them - is a fantastic way to demonstrate a candidate’s zeal. In other words, instead of being conservative with your goals, being bold is a terrific approach to stand out from the crowd.
- She withal gives some examples of questions such as “How do you redesign the elevator?” And “How do you redesign the refrigerator?”
- Another prevalent question is “one of the products you don’t relish and how to transmute it.” An excellent answer to this accentuates the competency to celebrate ingeniously and in the long run. Structured celebrating. Here she explicates the paramountcy of dividing the vision into concrete frames with the milestones you optate to achieve.
Within the Structured Cerebrating component, she probes for potential PMs with the following characteristics:
• Strategy
• Prioritization
• decide
• Analytical facility
• Domain ken-how
• communication