- Horizon: the only GUI in OpenStack; the first component administrators see and get an idea of the current operations in the cloud.
- Nova: chief computing engine to handle multiple virtual machines and computing tasks
- Swift: reliable and robust storage system for files and objects helping developers to refer to a unique identifier and Openstack decides where to store the info.
- Cinder: similar to traditional computer storage system, it is a block storage system in OpenStack for accessing files at faster speed.
- Neutron: ensures efficient connectivity between components during deployment.
- Keystone: a central identity list of all OpenStack cloud users and provides various mapping techniques to access methods against Keystone.
- Glance: image service provider where images are the virtual copies of hard disks. Allows using the images as templates during deployment of new instances.
- Ceilometer: component providing billings services and other telemetry services to cloud users. Maintains an account of component system usage by each user.
- Heat (Orchestration Engine): Allows developers to orchestrate/illustrate and store the cloud application requirements and resources needed in a file, thereby maintaining the cloud infrastructure.