Explain What are the common methods of authentication for network security?

  • Biometrics - It is a known and registered physical attribute of a user specifically used for verifying their identity.
  • Token - A token is used for accessing systems. It makes it more difficult for hackers to access accounts as they have long credentials.
  • Transaction Authentication - A one-time pin or password is used in processing online transactions through which they verify their identity.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication - It’s a security system that needs more than one method of authentication.
  • Out-of-Band Authentication - This authentication needs two different signals from two different channels or networks. It prevents most of the attacks from hacking and identity thefts in online banking.

User authentication is a process that allows a device to verify the identify of someone who connects to a network resource. There are many technologies currently available to a network administrator to authenticate users.

Users enter their credentials on the website’s login form, which is a reasonably basic process. The data is then transferred to the authentication server, where it is compared to all of the user credentials stored on the server. The system will authenticate users and provide them access to their accounts once a match is found.