Explain Forward rate and Churn rate?

Explain Forward rate and Churn rate?

Forward rate

  • Forward (or share) rate is the percentage of your email recipients who have shared your email with a friend by hitting the shared button or forwarding it on.
  • Calculate by dividing the number of forwards/shares by the total number of emails delivered.
  • If you can get your existing recipients to share your emails, you know you must be doing something right with your content. And a direct referral works wonders in generating new leads for you. Plus, it doesn’t cost you anything.

Email churn rate

  • It is a percentage of users who have left your mailing list within a given period of time. It’s essential for an email marketer to understand that they can control this process by keeping an eye on the churn rate itself.
  • To calculate the churn rate, you should know the exact number of hard bounces, spam complaints, and subscribers for a period of time no less than a year.
    Here’s the formula for calculating the email churn rate that includes both opaque and transparent churn:
  • Churn rate = (unsubscribes + soft bounces + hard bounces + spam complaints + inactive subscribers) / number of subscribers x 100