Explain Bar charts in Tableau. What are the different kinds of Bar Charts?

Bar charts represent data in categories by arranging it in rectangular bars. The height of each bar is proportional to the value that bar is representing.

For instance, a bar representing the value 1000 will be taller or greater in length than a bar representing the value 500.

In Tableau, we can make different kinds of bar charts such as; Segmented bar chart, Stacked bar chart, Side-by-side bar chart etc.

1. Horizontal/ Vertical bar chart : A horizontal or vertical bar graph is a simple graph having bars of vertical or horizontal orientation.

2. Segmented bar chart : A segmented bar chart is a bar chart where a bar chart contains more than one set of bars.

Each set of bars belongs to a particular segment. For instance, we can have a sales bar graph for three or four different segments all seen in a single view.

  1. Stacked bar chart : A stacked bar chart has a single bar divided into smaller parts.

For instance, a single bar for the year 2019 can show sales for different countries or regions or cities.

We can also set a color scheme for the subdivisions in a bar as we can see in a stacked bar chart below.

  1. Side-by-side bar chart : A side-by-side bar chart will have multiple bars standing next to each other for a single segment.

Instead of stacking multiple values one upon the other like in stacked bar charts, this chart places them side-by-side.