Don’t just have one software testing method in your toolkit?

According to Uzma Yasin, Head of Products and New Initiatives at [Kualitatem "correct understanding and scoping of testing requirements and identification of the testing types required” are both of vital importance to ensuring quality in the software you create.

By breaking down each part of your product you want testing (think features, rather than lines of code), and deciding which testing method would be appropriate for that particular area, you can ensure you don’t waste precious time and resources on the wrong type of testing. This will deliver better results and better quality.
If your dev and QA teams work under intense pressure to release by tight deadlines, the likelihood of technical debt will increase, and the quality of your products may decrease as a result.

Technical debt is often inevitable, unfortunately, but slowing down the release process is a great way to reduce it. Take your time to put best practices in place, and reduce the likelihood of costly fixes in the future. According to Emad Georgy:

“One of the first things developers need to do to improve the quality of their software is to eliminate as much technical debt from the code as possible as early as possible in the process. Every architecture decision, technology stack decision, and even code review should have an eye for durability - does this progress our architecture forward? Will this scale for years to come, for 10x and onwards of our growth? Teams that succeed have metrics , accountability mechanisms and processes in place that reveal the impact and risk to the long-term durability of these daily decisions.”