Does eClerx hire for Senior Analyst - Machine Learning Consultant Job?

Yes, they do hire for the Senior Analyst - Machine Learning Consultant Job at eClerx. Job description & other details are given below, like the roles & responsibilities of a Senior Analyst - Machine Learning Consultant.

A Job description of a Senior Analyst - Machine Learning Consultant:

Graduate with 2-4 years of relevant experience and a mastery of AI technologies such as knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR), natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, unsupervised machine learning, and/or reinforcement learning.

Roles & Responsibility:

  • Understand the latest industry and academic breakthroughs in AI / ML and are responsible for machine learning technology and application analyses.
  • Deep learning/machine learning and its applications in various sectors are studied and innovated in.
  • Create prototypes for the presentation of competing AI/ML services and user experiences.
  • Integrate these algorithms into bigger solutions with the rest of the Operations team.
  • Collaborate with the development team to improve these algorithms.