Disadvantages of Agile and Scrum

Here’s a brief summary of what I think are the primary disadvantages of Agile and Scrum:

1. Training and Skill Required

An Agile/Scrum approach requires a considerable amount of training and skill to implement successfully. Many project teams don’t fully understand the need for training and skill or don’t want to put the effort into it. They attempt to do Agile/Scrum mechanically without fully understanding the principles behind it and that is typically not very effective

2. Organizational Transformation

An Agile/Scrum approach may also require some level of organizational transformation to make it successful. It require the business users to work collaboratively with the development team in a spirit of trust and partnership. That may require breaking down some organizational barriers that make that difficult or impossible to do

3. Scalability

It can be difficult to scale an Agile/Scrum approach to large, complex projects. There are some models for doing that (Scrum-of-Scrums, LeSS, and SAFe are examples) but none of those are a cookbook solution that are easy to implement.

4. Integration with Project/Program Management

An Agile/Scrum approach may not be totally appropriate for projects that require a more plan-driven approach to achieve some level of predictability. However, there are many ways to create a hybrid approach that blends a traditional plan-driven approach and an Agile/Scrum approach in the right proportions to fit the situation