Detailed Introduction of Python String functions

Python provides various in-built functions that are used for string handling. Many String fun

Method Description
capitalize() It capitalizes the first character of the String. This function is deprecated in python3
casefold() It returns a version of s suitable for case-less comparisons.
center(width ,fillchar) It returns a space padded string with the original string centred with equal number of left and right spaces.
count(string,begin,end) It counts the number of occurrences of a substring in a String between begin and end index.
decode(encoding = ‘UTF8’, errors = ‘strict’) Decodes the string using codec registered for encoding.
encode() Encode S using the codec registered for encoding. Default encoding is ‘utf-8’.
endswith(suffix ,begin=0,end=len(string)) It returns a Boolean value if the string terminates with given suffix between begin and end.
expandtabs(tabsize = 8) It defines tabs in string to multiple spaces. The default space value is 8.
find(substring ,beginIndex, endIndex) It returns the index value of the string where substring is found between begin index and end index.
format(value) It returns a formatted version of S, using the passed value.
index(subsring, beginIndex, endIndex) It throws an exception if string is not found. It works same as find() method.
isalnum() It returns true if the characters in the string are alphanumeric i.e., alphabets or numbers and there is at least 1 character. Otherwise, it returns false.
isalpha() It returns true if all the characters are alphabets and there is at least one character, otherwise False.
isdecimal() It returns true if all the characters of the string are decimals.
isdigit() It returns true if all the characters are digits and there is at least one character, otherwise False.
isidentifier() It returns true if the string is the valid identifier.
islower() It returns true if the characters of a string are in lower case, otherwise false.
isnumeric() It returns true if the string contains only numeric characters.
isprintable() It returns true if all the characters of s are printable or s is empty, false otherwise.
isupper() It returns false if characters of a string are in Upper case, otherwise False.
isspace() It returns true if the characters of a string are white-space, otherwise false.
istitle() It returns true if the string is titled properly and false otherwise. A title string is the one in which the first character is upper-case whereas the other characters are lower-case.
isupper() It returns true if all the characters of the string(if exists) is true otherwise it returns false.
join(seq) It merges the strings representation of the given sequence.
len(string) It returns the length of a string.
ljust(width[,fillchar]) It returns the space padded strings with the original string left justified to the given width.
lower() It converts all the characters of a string to Lower case.
lstrip() It removes all leading whitespaces of a string and can also be used to remove particular character from leading.
partition() It searches for the separator sep in S, and returns the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not found, return S and two empty strings.
maketrans() It returns a translation table to be used in translate function.
replace(old,new[,count]) It replaces the old sequence of characters with the new sequence. The max characters are replaced if max is given.
rfind(str,beg=0,end=len(str)) It is similar to find but it traverses the string in backward direction.
rindex(str,beg=0,end=len(str)) It is same as index but it traverses the string in backward direction.
rjust(width,[,fillchar]) Returns a space padded string having original string right justified to the number of characters specified.
rstrip() It removes all trailing whitespace of a string and can also be used to remove particular character from trailing.
rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit = -1) It is same as split() but it processes the string from the backward direction. It returns the list of words in the string. If Separator is not specified then the string splits according to the white-space.
split(str,num=string.count(str)) Splits the string according to the delimiter str. The string splits according to the space if the delimiter is not provided. It returns the list of substring concatenated with the delimiter.
splitlines(num=string.count(’\n’)) It returns the list of strings at each line with newline removed.
startswith(str,beg=0,end=len(str)) It returns a Boolean value if the string starts with given str between begin and end.
strip([chars]) It is used to perform lstrip() and rstrip() on the string.
swapcase() It inverts case of all characters in a string.
title() It is used to convert the string into the title-case i.e., The string meEruT will be converted to Meerut.
translate(table,deletechars = ‘’) It translates the string according to the translation table passed in the function .
upper() It converts all the characters of a string to Upper Case.
zfill(width) Returns original string leftpadded with zeros to a total of width characters; intended for numbers, zfill() retains any sign given (less one zero).