Create a timeline to achieve your end-goal

Including milestones to celebrate as you strive to achieve your end goal can give you something to look forward to, provide a sense of direction and revive your motivation for your job. Use the SMART goal method to create specific, measurable, achievable and time-bound goals for each milestone you aim to achieve to reach your end-goal. For example, if you want to work your way up from a server to a restaurant manager, you may determine the following goal to help you gain more responsibility:

S: Get a server position at a restaurant chain.
M: Positive feedback, increased hostess shifts and responsibilities will determine your progress.
A: Always be punctual and willing to fill in, ask to shadow a server and apply for server positions.
R: Work hard and strive to do well to apply for and earn a server position at the restaurant chain to advance a restaurant manager position at a later date.
T: Obtain a server position one year from today.