Initially, your price offering should be unique in such a way that you are either delivering the same service to the clientele at a lower price or a better, more refined service at a higher price. In the beginning, you can charge almost anything. A hundred thousand US dollars, two thousand US dollars, or even three thousand US dollars may be charged. It’s all about bringing in more customers. The primary goal is to achieve your dream score of 100. Again, it’s about breaking even so you can start working full-time on your marketing agency. It is critical for curating the appropriate content. It’s also critical to reach out to the right people. Yes, it is critical to gradually increase the number of channels on which your digital marketing agency focuses. However, try to get your digital marketing agency listed on important and well-known websites. It’s critical to be proactive at first, posting content daily to generate buzz about your digital marketing agency. Efforts should be coordinated in such a way that when you cross the threshold, you can begin charging whatever you want from your clientele.