Digital marketing advertising is also known as online advertising, web advertising, and, in some cases, internet advertising. Digital Marketing advertising is a marketing module that focuses on promoting or advertising a product to potential customers via the internet platform. Digital advertising is the advertisements that we see while watching YouTube videos. In this case, the ad agency collaborates with a service or content provider to use their space and promote their offerings. They make the most of their large customer base. These are repeat customers who understand the switching costs and the value proposition provided by the platform. Digital Marketing Advertising takes advantage of this and can provide a new channel of promotion and advertising in today’s world. There are three kinds of these:
- Pay per click: A prime example of this is the type of advertisement that appears when searching for something on Google or YouTube.
- Display Advertisement: Amazon, for example, advertises its products on its platform.
- Social Advertisement: This category includes advertisements that we see on Facebook.