Bootstrap (Part-7) | Alerts , Wells, Pagination and Pager

Hello Everyone,


We often see certain alerts on some websites before or after completing an action. These alert messages are highlighted texts that are important to take in consideration while performing a process. Bootstrap allows us to show these alert messages on our website using predefined classes.
How to add alert messages using bootstrap classes-

  1. Inside a div element,add an alert class.
  2. Use the following classes to style the colour of the message box
    Green – alert-success
    Blue – alert-info
    Yellow – alert-warning
    Red – alert-danger
  3. Write the text you want to write for the alert message and close the div element.

< div class = "alert alert-success" >

< strong >Success!</ strong >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-info" >

< strong >Info!</ strong >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-warning" >

< strong >Warning!</ strong >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-danger" >

< strong >Danger!</ strong >

</ div >

Dismissable Alerts : To close an alert message, you need to add a x icon in your alert. To add the icon include a class alert-dismissable to your div element. Then add a class close and data-dismiss=”alert” to a link or a button like this :

< div class = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable" >

< a href = "#" class = "close" c aria-label = "close" >×</ a >

< strong >Success!</ strong >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-info alert-dismissable" >

< a href = "#" class = "close" data-dismiss = "alert" aria-label = "close" >×</ a >

< strong >Info!</ strong >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" >

< a href = "#" class = "close" data-dismiss = "alert" aria-label = "close" >×</ a >

< strong >Warning!</ strong >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable" >

< a href = "#" class = "close" data-dismiss = "alert" aria-label = "close" >×</ a >

< strong >Danger!</ strong >

</ div >

Alert links : To add a link to your alert message , just add a alert-link class inside the ‘a’ element. This will create a link in the same font colour as that of the alert message box. Then use the ‘a’ tag to add a link to the text like this:

< div class = "alert alert-success" >

< strong >Success!</ strong >

< a href = "#" class = "alert-link" >read this message</ a >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-info alert-dismissable" >

< strong >Info!</ strong >

< a href = "#" class = "alert-link" >read this message</ a >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" >

< strong >Warning!</ strong >

< a href = "#" class = "alert-link" >read this message</ a >

</ div >

< div class = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable" >

< strong >Danger!</ strong >

< a href = "#" class = "alert-link" >read this message</ a >

</ div >


A well class is simply used to add a grey box around some text with rounded corners and some padding.
To add a well in your webpage just include the well class in a div element, then write the text you want to keep in the well and close the div tag.

< div class = "well" >This is a Well</ div >

Well Size : The default size of the well is medium but we can increase or decrease the size of the well using class well-lg and well-sm respectively.

< div class = "well well-lg" >This is a large Well</ div >

< div class = "well well-sm" >This is a small Well</ div >

We all have seen a website which has lots of webpages or when we search on google there are a lot of search results in different webpages which are numbered for 1. This feature can be easily added in a website using bootstrap.
The predefined class used for pagination is .pagination
To add pagination to your website, include pagination class inside a ul tag like this-

< ul class = "pagination" >

< li >< a href = "#" >1</ a ></ li >

< li >< a href = "#" >2</ a ></ li >

< li >< a href = "#" >3</ a ></ li >

< li >< a href = "#" >4</ a ></ li >

< li >< a href = "#" >5</ a ></ li >

</ ul >


We all have seen ‘previous’ and ‘next’ buttons on a webpage to navigate to other pages. Bootstrap provides a predefined class to implement this pager efficiently. A pager provides links to move to the next or previous page.
To add a pager to your webpage, add a class ‘pager’ to a div element and provide the links for previous and next page like this-

< ul class = "pager" >

< li >< a href = "#" >Previous</ a ></ li >

< li >< a href = "#" >Next</ a ></ li >

</ ul >

To align these navigation buttons to the side of the webpage , use class ‘previous’ and ‘next’ with the links like this-

< ul class = "pager" >

< li class = "previous" >< a href = "#" >Previous</ a ></ li >

< li class = "next" >< a href = "#" >Next</ a ></ li >

</ ul >
