Are we tracking existing, critical KPIs well & are there net-new KPIs we should consider?

Take a data-driven approach and be able to tell a story and make a strong case with verifiable data. Understand the KPIs your constituents in sales, finance, customer success, etc. are tracking, learn how to speak a common language that will help you get buy-in, or simply have a productive conversation about metrics that do not leave your head spinning post-meeting with the CFO.

Marketo Engage recommends you focus on metrics like program performance, lead quality, waterfall metrics, return on investment (ROI), and lead acquisition reporting as well as sales efficiency metrics. If your organization is very mature with regard to its attribution strategy, we recommend you agree upon multi-touch attribution measures across the organization and leverage the appropriate technology paired with maturity to facilitate that measurement.

Also, consider a to align and drive the business toward strategic objectives across the customer journey with minimal business disruption to ensure continued growth through alignment of KPIs to each stage of that journey.
I hope this topic was helpful for you, see you on the next topic.