7 Rules of Thumb for Content Marketers When Writing Content?

Whether you are a blogger, influencer, or content marketer, [the content you create depends upon good, sharp writing. But what is good writing? What goes into it? What separates good writing from mediocre or poor writing?

As with any art form, there are not many hard and fast rules to writing, and it can involve much experimentation, and sometimes you can justify breaking what rules and best practices do exist. However, whether it is fiction or non-fiction, marketing writing, blogging, or whatever else, there are several rules of thumb every writer needs to bear in mind, if not in their initial drafts, then in the rewriting/editing phase, as to make for a polished and effective final product.
Clarity is key
Show, don’t tell, whenever possible
Good writing is concise writing
Whenever possible, use the active and not the passive tense
Be specific
Rewrite and edit:
Continue to write and read:

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