What is your working style?

Questions about your individual working style help a company determine if your approach to day-to-day tasks will align with their company and the business setting. Consider preparing examples for questions like:

  • Do you describe yourself as an organized person?
  • When is the last time you missed a deadline? Why did this happen?
  • How would you describe your top three strengths related to work? What are your three biggest areas that have room for improvement?
  • How do you deal with stressful situations?

Remember, like all interview questions, there are no right answers, and employers understand each person is different – and human! We all get stressed and occasionally have a misstep at work. What these interview questions aim to uncover is how you are able to handle these situations. Are you able to overcome stress by taking a quick walk around the block? Can you speak to the reasons a deadline was missed calmly and in a way that doesn’t place blame? If an interviewer can see your dedication to the job and willingness to do your best, they will understand how you handle yourself in the workplace.