What is Social Media Optimization (SMO)?

Hi, Guys Hope you all are doing well so for today our topic here is what is SMO i.e social media optimization. Many of us get a little confused with SMM and SMO so in this forum or you can say the discussion about the term optimization. so as you guys know that in today’s time everyone is on social media and every brand wants to make their presence on social media as it has a huge amount of traffic isn’t it? but making a presence is not social media optimization it is just like you have just entered. So when we talk about SMO it is -

  1. Using Social Media as a catalyst to grow your business

  2. It counts efforts on youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram like platforms that most of the audience are present on

  3. It Mostly counts non paid campaign i.e (organic reach)

  4. Mostly on page kind of activities Like how who are optimizing your page/account profile i.e mostly a proper description, about us, your profile pic, and posting out some daily content on your account/ page and many more ( All the page assets that are Available )such kind of activities.

  5. Focus on Brand Image - It is important to have a good brand image on social media platforms i.e how you present yourself/your brand to the audience

  6. Understanding the algorithm, Focus on the elements of the algorithms as all the algorithms for the platforms keeps on changing

  7. One must understand the dynamic nature of social media platforms - As we all know social media platforms keep on changing their features, user experience, and many more so one should be very much active on the platforms and have a note on the changes.

So guys this was about what is SMO and how you guys can practically practice it for your brand or profile hope you all guys love this topic and will keep on learning and practicing it let see you all on my next topic.

Thanks and Regards - Rohit. J.Lotlikar