What is Operations in UBER?

DOps, or Uber Driver Operations & Logistics Managers, are in charge of increasing and optimising the marketplace’s supply side. That involves promoting the Uber opportunity to as many potential driver-partners as possible. They usually start their days by looking at market data and feedback from driver-partners. The purpose of a DOps is to spot trends in quantitative and qualitative data and act on them. There is a strong culture of rigorous experimentation, and you may exchange best practises with peers throughout Uber’s 300+ cities. DOps have created systems in their cities that have become part of its global operational architecture. At its core, the DOps role is about assisting driver-partner success, whether it’s answering a single partner’s questions one-on-one or applying those learnings to better guide how we can help all of the driver-partners we deal with on a larger scale.

Operations managers are in charge of designing functional company strategies, such as balancing our marketplace, targeting and deploying customer promotions, managing local markets, and discovering and correcting operational flaws. They strike a balance between enhancing or inventing new processes and establishing and achieving key company objectives.

  • Make strategic decisions about which tasks to prioritise within each functional area; lead and create goals for the entire team
  • Create analytical frameworks that assist the corporation in making business decisions.
  • Identify operational flaws and assist in the improvement or development of new processes.
  • At the city, regional, and mega-regional levels, develop, manage, communicate, and display complete reports.
  • The Rides Operations team is in charge of monitoring, correcting, and executing business processes and functional business strategies and local market strategies.

Territory Management is one of the main areas of focus.

  • Regulatory Strategy & Operations
  • Loyalty and Driver Operations
  • Purchasing Power
  • Arrangements for Riders