What is Marketing?

The intermediate work that is done between a product being developed and its sales. It is the activity of associating a product of generic character to a brand, thus increasing its value, and making it part of a brand family. The latest AMA definition of marketing is inclusive of several activities like communication, delivery, production, creation as well as exchange in offerings that hold value for potential consumers of the product and the society, that we are a part of. The process under marketing consists of several internal steps, like researching, then working on the research and then its implementation. One always associates the term “brand” when talking about marketing as it is the brand to which a product is later linked to increase its sale. The question that then arises is, what is a brand? Simply put, it’s a name or a term designed to attach an identity to a seller and his products so that they are distinguished from any other seller’s goods. According to ISO, brand is an “asset” which is intangible in nature and its aim is to form images that are distinctive and associative, especially in the minds of their consumers and stakeholders, thus increasing their economic value.