What in the salary of a finance stream graduate?

Finance is a massive industry with a long history extending back thousands of years. It is entirely up to the student to decide what path he wants to take and what areas of finance he is interested in. Asset management, retail banking, financial consulting and planning, taxes, corporate finance, investment banking, risk management, equity analyst, business analyst, sales and trading, personal finance, and insurance are just a few examples of finance occupations.

Financial Advisor: Based on 58 salaries, an entry-level Financial Advisor with less than 1 year of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of ₹295,547 (which includes gratuities, bonus, and overtime pay). According to 142 salaries, an early career Financial Advisor with 1-4 years of experience gets an average total remuneration of ₹338,539 per year. Based on 53 salaries, the average total salary for a mid-career Financial Advisor with 5-9 years of experience is ₹538,000. Based on 30 incomes, an experienced Financial Advisor with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹1,150,000. Employees with a late career (20 years or more) earn an average total salary of ₹1,750,000.

Equity Analyst: Based on 32 salaries, an entry-level Equity Analyst with less than 1 year of experience can expect to make an average total salary of $395,894 (including tips, bonus, and overtime pay). Based on 63 salaries, an early career Equity Analyst with 1-4 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹396,633. Based on 14 salaries, a mid-career Equity Analyst with 5-9 years of experience gets a total average wage of ₹868,966. Based on ten salaries, an experienced Equity Analyst with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹1,099,998.

Financial Planner: Based on 17 salaries, an entry-level Financial Planner with less than 1 year of experience can expect to make an average total salary of 265,939 (including tips, bonus, and overtime pay). Based on 46 salaries, an early career Financial Planner with 1-4 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹335,226. Based on ten incomes, a mid-career Financial Planner with 5-9 years of experience makes an average total salary of ₹600,000. Based on 6 salaries, an experienced Financial Planner with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹11,79,162.

Investment Banker: Based on 27 salaries, an entry-level Investment Banker with less than 1 year of experience can expect to make an average total salary of 610,419 (including tips, bonus, and overtime pay). Based on 67 salaries, an early career Investment Banker with 1-4 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹800,000. Based on 37 salaries, the average total income for a mid-career Investment Banker with 5-9 years of experience is ₹1,548,529 per year. Based on 18 salaries, an experienced Investment Banker with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹2,947,906. Employees with a late career (20 years or more) earn an average total salary of ₹4,150,000.

Banker: Based on 9 salaries, an entry-level Relationship Banker with less than 1 year of experience can expect to make an average total compensation of ₹292,774 (including tips, bonus, and overtime pay). Based on 49 salaries, the average total income for an early career Relationship Banker with 1-4 years of experience is ₹239,294. Based on 29 salaries, the average total income for a mid-career Relationship Banker with 5-9 years of experience is ₹524,773. Based on 5 salaries, an experienced Relationship Banker with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹530,000.

Finance Manager: Based on 161 salaries, an entry-level Finance Manager with less than 1 year of experience can expect to make an average total compensation of ₹522,823 (which includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay). Based on 581 salaries, an early career Finance Manager with 1-4 years of experience makes an average total salary of ₹737,338. Based on 1,005 salaries, a mid-career Finance Manager with 5-9 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹1,083,831. Based on 876 salaries, an experienced Finance Manager with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹1,218,168. Employees with a long career (20 years or more) earn an average total remuneration of ₹1,200,853.