What are unit tests in Python?

What is unit testing?
The initial level of software testing is unit testing, which tests the smallest testable pieces of a project. This is used to ensure that each unit of software functions as designed.
• Test fixture: A test fixture is used as a baseline for conducting tests to verify that tests are executed in a uniform environment and that results are consistent, making temporary databases one example.
• Test unit: A test suite is a collection of test cases used to validate a software product.
• Test runner: A test runner is a component that initiates the execution of tests and reports the results to the user.
• The term "unit test" refers to tests in two ways:
Code is used to manage test “fixtures” and the test itself

• Possible outcomes include:
There are three sorts of test outcomes possible:

• OK – This signifies that all of the tests were successful.

• FAIL – The test did not pass, and an AssertionError exception was thrown.

• ERROR — This indicates that the test throws an error that is not AssertionError.