What are some tips for making effective Facebook ads? (Part 6)

  1. When it comes to the copy within your ad images, try not to make them too long or complicated because customers will lose interest before they reach the end! Maybe split up each line into different groups of words/sentences and separate them with borders through Photoshop, or you can use Word’s built-in features if you’re familiar with those programs (for people who aren’t designers, this may be the most time-consuming part!).

  2. Having images of real people is always going to be the most effective (as opposed to just a picture of your business or logo) because it shows that you’re interacting with people, which can encourage customers to feel more like a human-to-human interaction instead of an ad trying too hard.

  3. Test out different messages and calls-to-action on your audience to see what resonates best! You don’t want to be giving away too much information about what is being sold by the first sentence, but maybe offer something else like 'Click here for 25% off all items as opposed to “Get 25% off all items today!”

  4. Try not to use too many words in your image either; if it’s long, the customer might get bored and leave before reaching the end.

  5. Never make it difficult for your customers to find out more information about what you’re offering; if they can’t click on a link or something simple like that, chances are they might leave and start browsing through other ads instead!