Type of questions in a MBA interview for HR

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  • How well do you believe your previous work experience and education prepared you for an MBA?
  • What influenced your decisions to pursue a career in human resources?
  • Describe the ideal workplace for you. What makes it your perfect place to work?
  • Are you aware of the recent changes in maternity law?
  • Will this new law impact the hiring of married women if you work in human resources?
  • What questions would you ask me if I came in for an interview?
  • Are there any HR trends you’re aware of?
  • Do you tell lies? (This is a complex yet straightforward ethical topic.) Proceed cautiously.
  • What do you do with a team member who isn’t contributing his fair share? (This is more applicable to persons with some work experience).
  • A moral challenge you’ve encountered in your life (freshers) or career (for work-ex)
  • Daily, our marketing department deals with a lot of merchandise. We order this for our clients, trade partners, and contest winners. On the other hand, employees have a habit of trying to trick or flick some of these items without even stating it. How can you get rid of this kind of behaviour?