interviewer can feel uncomfortable, especially if you’re not accustomed to being asked this question and are discussing your ideal compensation for the first time. To help the conversation go smoothly and make sure you get a fair salary, here are a few additional pointers:
- Aim high: Once you know the average salary range for a position, consider padding your expectations. In most cases, employers are going to start you off at the lower end of the amount you provide. By aiming higher, you can make sure that, even if they offer the lowest number, you’ll still be making your target number. For example, if you want to make $45,000, don’t say you’re looking for a salary between $40,000 and $50,000. Instead, give a range of $45,000 to $50,000.
- Be confident: Some employers are interested in your answer as well as your delivery. If you’re confident and self-assured, it will show you know your worth and, while you might be open to negotiation, you’re not going to accept less than you know you deserve. Don’t sell yourself short in an attempt to move forward or you could end up making too little.
- Explain your reasoning: While you don’t need to get too detailed in explaining how you arrived at your salary expectations, it doesn’t hurt to share how you arrived at that number. Highlighting your experience or educational level can add justification for your salary, especially if you’re aiming above the local average. Be careful not to overshoot the amount too much or you could be considered overqualified