Job prospects in DevOps Engineering?

DevOps engineer will be the most in-demand position in IT in the future. It wasn’t long ago that there was no such thing as a “DevOps engineer”: However, like with many other aspects of technology, rapid change may occur in an instant. The title has risen in prominence in recent years, with LinkedIn naming it as one of the most recruited jobs in 2018, and 51% of respondents to the Upskilling 2020, Enterprise DevOps Skills Report stating they have recently employed or plan to hire someone in that role.

When we look up engineer and engineering definitions, we find the following: Engineering is described as the discipline of science and technology concerned with the design, construction, and use of things, and an engineer is an individual who designs, builds, or maintains something. If we apply this to the title of DevOps engineer, we can say that a DevOps engineer is somebody who designs, develops, or maintains within the DevOps engineering branch.