HR Specialization vs Regular MBA program

  • Many students believe that specialisation is unimportant as long as they enrol in prestigious institutes, such as the XLRI HR programme or TISS MA in Human Resources. We are so focused on the brand name that we frequently overlook whether someone will be successful in a given profession over time.

  • As a result, it’s critical to pick intelligently between an HR concentration and a traditional MBA programme.

  • HR vs Other Domains in an MBA Working with people cannot be the sole criterion for admission to an HR school. It’s essential to consider the diverse tasks and obligations that graduates in each discipline have. Strong communication skills are required in both HR and Marketing programmes; yet, comparing the roles of an HR and a Sales Manager is like comparing apples to oranges.

  • On average, HR Salaries might be lower than Other Functions Most departmental salaries contain a significant variable component that is typically calculated year-to-year. This gives them a considerable incentive margin. HR professionals have a measurable goal, but it is not as high as the other roles. While the marketing and finance departments are rewarded with substantial incentives, they also carry a high level of risk.

  • Growth in an Organization There are many opportunities for advancement in other disciplines, but HR professionals are confined in specific ways to reach the top management position. A CEO from a domain such as Marketing, Finance, or Operations is also familiar. Other positions directly impact a company’s top-line and bottom-line revenues; however, determining the same for the HR area is challenging.

  • HR provides a Good Work-Life Balance Because an HR professional is not directly responsible for a company’s monthly or annual goals, this role has lower stress. In the HR department, working hours are typically set, whereas, in other sectors, they are not. Because it’s the pinnacle of all your efforts, the end of the month is usually a time of high intensity for other professions.