There are several ways to begin a Group Discussion.
The first is initiation. If one has a thorough understanding of the subject, he can take charge. The individual should be well-versed in what is available. The candidate taking the lead should be able to define the subject matter in a few sentences.
One can also state some facts, but keep in mind that these must be precise.
A candidate may begin by saying “In my opinion” or “In today’s world.”
Another way to begin a Group Discussion is to agree with a fellow participant. In this case, the individual may begin by saying, “I agree with my friend” or “I feel the same way.”
One can also begin by disagreeing with someone. In such a case, the candidate should avoid coming across as overly aggressive. One might even interrupt if someone is exaggerating the same point and preventing the group from concluding.
Thus, depending on his or her comfort level, a candidate can begin the interview in any way he or she sees fit.