How to make your content viral? (Part 4)

#1 - Not using title tags
Before you start writing a piece of content, you should always have an idea about what its heading is going to be. Make sure that the title tag is catchy enough to catch users’ attention and also describes the main topic in a nutshell. If your page ends up with duplicate titles on multiple pages, that’s considered spamming by search engine algorithms.

#2 - Not researching keywords
If you are up for some long-tail traffic, don’t go crazy just adding random words or phrases throughout your blog posts. Instead, focus more on quality content that provides people with valuable information they need. Your keyword research should be done correctly because if not, chances are your writings will be considered spam.

#3 - Not having a call to action
If you have written something valuable, then people will share it but remember that it’s up to you to make them feel motivated enough to do so. One way of doing this is by telling your audience what exactly you want them to do next and after they’ve read the article – whether it’s coming back for more or just sharing with others. Don’t assume anything and always ask politely to keep things professional.

#4 - Focusing on quantity rather than quality
Everyone wants to see their follower count growing faster than ever before, but if your content isn’t helpful, then users won’t be showing any interest either. If the only purpose of your blog is to increase traffic by any means, then chances are you won’t be able to keep visitors on your page for long.

#5 - Not giving credit where it’s due
Don’t forget to link back to the sources from where you have taken information. It’s okay to borrow ideas or make slight adjustments but don’t directly copy-paste anything without proper credits. A little bit of plagiarism will get noticed over time, resulting in severe problems if not handled properly. So constantly give ‘credit’ whenever possible, and there is no harm in doing so.

#6 - Using too much fluff
It’s okay to use fancy words now and then but don’t overdo it. Most readers don’t appreciate too much fluff, and they usually skip through articles that contain more adjectives than the actual content. So if you like to use words like ‘awesome’ or ‘amazing,’ then be sure that your articles can back up your claims with facts and statistics.