How can you add datasets in R?

rbind () function can be used add datasets in R language provided the columns in the datasets should be same.


  1. Create a R file named prefix_*.R in the R/ folder, where * is the name of the dataset. …
  2. Inside that file create 3 functions named download_() , process_() and dataset_*() . …
  3. Add the process_*() function to the named list process_functions in the file process_functions.

In the applied setting, data are hosted on different servers and exist in many different files. When the data you need come from multiple sources, it’s essential to know how to aggregate them so that you lose as little information as possible and make pairings that actually make sense given the structure of your data.

This tutorial will walk you through:

  • Merging datasets horizontally and vertically
  • What primary keys are and how they add structure to your data
  • Different types of joins (e.g., left-join, inner-join, full-join) and how to choose among them
  • A common problem to watch out for and how to resolve it