Become A Software Engineer Part 4

Hello Everyone,

I hope you have gone through the “Become A Software Engineer Part 1” , “Become A Software Engineer Part 2”, and “Become A Software Engineer Part 3” before coming here. It’s really advisable to completely read part 1,2 and 3, then only continue with part 4.
Part 1: Become A Software Engineer Part 1
Part 2: Become A Software Engineer Part 2
Part 3: Become A Software Engineer Part 3

Let’s continue,

Start Looking For Job Opportunities

If you have done all the above things then it’s time to start looking for job opportunities. Create a resume, create a nice profile on different job portals, post your resume over there, check these websites on a regular basis and apply for the jobs. Computer Science Engineering fundamentals and concepts which you have learned in your textbooks over the years and even during learning phase, you should know how it can be used in building some amazing software.
Networking really helps in getting some referrals for the job or interviews so make connections, use personal contacts, attend meetups, conferences, seminars and expand your network. Let recruiters and the LinkedIn community know you’re open to work. Turn on the hashtag OpenToWork feature on your Profile to let recruiters or the broader LinkedIn community know you’re open to new opportunities. Members with an OpenToWork photo frame are, on average, 40% more likely to receive InMails from recruiters. And, if you happen to be hiring, you can send a to members with an OpenToWork photo frame, even if you’re not connected. You can also visit different companies’ websites and check the job description in the career option. You can directly apply from their career option as well, if your profile will be shortlisted then the recruiter will approach you for further process. You’re 4X more likely to get hired through your network on LinkedIn, so investing in your professional relationships is key. Start by making sure you’re connected with people you know – including friends, family and former professors – who can speak to your work ethic and who you are as an individual. Then, share your experiences and ideas by posting on LinkedIn. It can be as simple as re-sharing a connection’s post with your takeaways, asking your network for job-seeking tips or sharing a news article relevant to the industry you want to enter. Include hashtags on your content to extend reach.

Good Luck!